Gravitation as a statistical theory I will introduce the framework of gravitation as a statistical theory. Thereby I will try to build a bridge between the ideas of Padmanabhan and Causal Fermion Systems.

Gravitation as a statistical theory I will introduce the framework of gravitation as a statistical theory. Thereby I will try to build a bridge between the ideas of Padmanabhan and Causal Fermion Systems.
Endowing spacetime with a minimal length We describe a recently developed tool which enables a description of spacetime as a manifold with a Lorentz-invariant limit length built-in. This is accomplished in terms of quantities depending on two spacetime events...
Fredholm properties of operators on interpolation spaces We will discuss the stability of Fredholm properties for operators within interpolation scales of Banach spaces. We show that interpolated isomorphisms satisfy the property of local uniqueness of inverses. The...
El pasado 4 de Octubre, el Prof. Ping SHENG miembro del "Institute for Advanced Study” de Cambridge y profesor emérito de "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)” visitó la Universitat Politècnica de València. En...
El pasado 4 de octubre se celebró, en el Agromuseu de la Universitat Politècnica de València, la reunión anual de la Red de Institutos Universitarios de Matemáticas (redIUM). A la reunión asistieron además del coordinado r de la red (Jose Manuel Calabuig, IUMPA) y...
Jose A. Bonet Solves investigador del IUMPA es, desde el 1 de septiembre de 2024, Secretario...
Coloquio entorno a las matemáticas y ciencias de la salud...
In this seminar, we will discuss the conditional...
El pasado mes de diciembre tuvo lugar el homenaje a nuestro...
I will talk about the physics of effective 2-, 3-, and...
Agnieszka Niemczynowicz is a senior researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,...
Agnieszka Niemczynowicz is a senior researcher at the...
The theory of causal fermion systems is an approach to...
When studying models of the physical world, identifying...
We will discuss properties of ideal φ-summing operators...
Se celebrará en Cullera los días 29 de febrero y 1 de...
El profesor Nathan Lee Harshman de la American University...
In this talk, we present a factorization for a class of...
El Dr. Castaño es un investigador que dirige proyectos de...
Jueves 30 de noviembre a las 12.30 horas. Hall de la...
8 y 9 de noviembre. Aula A-10, Edificio 4A, ETSICCP Curso...
Professor Iberê Luiz Caldas received the Ph.D. degree in...
Professor Artur Siemaszko is a specialist in the field of...
5 de octubre a las 17.30. Seminario del IUMPA. Edificio 8E....
Runge's classical approximation theorem characterizes the...
30 de junio y 1 de julio. Seminario del IUMPA. Edificio 8E....
June 19-26. Seminario del IUMPA. Edificio 8E. Cubo F. Local...
We will discuss the stability of isomorphisms on...
We discuss recent joint work with D. Galicer, M. Mansilla,...
A quantum memory can be described by the evolution of an...
El siglo XXI ha sido un periodo de implementación creciente...
Matteo Cingolani is an electronic engineer from Italy,...
Currently, Tai Tran is a PhD student supervised by Prof....
Motivated by recent studies on the notions of lineability...
Let LB be the category of LB-spaces, which has as objects...
Sven obtained his PhD in 2010 from UPV Valencia in...
Somayeh Mehrabankar holds a Ph.D. degree in Theoretical...
Armando Pérez Cañellas es catedrático en el departamento de...
In this lecture, we shall discuss a question whether the...
In this talk we will explore the following notions of chaos...
In this talk, we introduce basic of local entropy theory...
We revisit some ideas of K.-M. Perfekt who has provided an...
In this presentation we talk about our graph-based model...
Con el crecimiento de la potencia computacional, el...
En cada vez más profesiones los datos dejaron de ser...
In this talk we settle this question: given two...
El glioma es uno de los tipos más comunes de tumores...
In this talk we settle this question: given two metrizable...
I hope to describe how Galois fields can be used to...
El teorema de la curva de Jordan establece que una curva...
Resumen: El objetivo de esta charla es realizar un análisis...
Abstract: The a The advent of new powerful deep neural...
Este jueves, 27 de enero, el Observatori Valencià de dades Obertes i Transparència de la...
The Bergman space Ap(Ω), 1 ≤ p < ∞, on a domain Ω ⊂ 𝐂 is...
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