Conferencia Udayan B. Darji (University of Louisville, EEUU)

Local Entropy and Applications In this talk, we introduce basic of local entropy theory and discuss how it can be applied in various settings in topological dynamics. We pay particular attention to Uniformly Positive Entropy and Complete Positive Entropy introduced by Blanchard in 90’s. Whereas these notions coincide in measure theoretical dynamics, they are very […]

Conferencia Radosaw Szwedek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan)

Isomorphic copies of l∞  in the weighted Hardy spaces on the unit disc. In this lecture, we shall discuss a question whether the density of analytic polynomials in an H-admissible space is sufficient to the minimality of the space? This question has a purely foundational background, relating fundamental concepts from the theory of Hp spaces. We […]

Conferencia Sven-Ake Wegner (University of Hamburg)

The derived categories of the LB-spaces Let LB be the category of LB-spaces, which has as objects precisely those Hausdorff locally convex spaces that can be written as a countable inductive limit of Banach spaces, and as morphisms the continuous linear maps between them. In the talk we will firstly review LB's categorical properties and […]

Conferencia: Seminario IUMPA, 12.30h

An exploration of the size of chaotic phenomena for composition operators through lineability and spaceability Martina Maiuriello, de la Università degli studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

Consejo IUMPA

CONSEJO IUMPA 1. Aprobación, si procede del acta de la sesión anterior. 2. Presupuesto del instituto para el año 2023. 3. Informe dirección. 4. Ruegos y preguntas.