Our updates
Conferencia Mieczysław Mastyło (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan). Miércoles 5 de febrero a las 12.00 en el Seminario del IUMPA
Fredholm properties of operators on interpolation spaces We will discuss the stability of Fredholm properties for...
Visit by Professor Ping Sheng (Institute for Advanced Study, Cambridge) on 4 October 2024.
El pasado 4 de Octubre, el Prof. Ping SHENG miembro del "Institute for Advanced Study” de Cambridge y profesor emérito...
redIUM Annual Meeting, 4/10/2024
El pasado 4 de octubre se celebró, en el Agromuseu de la Universitat Politècnica de València, la reunión anual de la...
José A. Bonet Solves appointed Secretary General of the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España
Jose A. Bonet Solves investigador del IUMPA es, desde el 1 de septiembre de 2024, Secretario General de la Real...
Conversaciones con Clara Grima y Ana Peiró. Jueves 20 de junio a las 12.00 horas en el Salón de Grados de la ETSII-UPV (Edificio 5F, segunda planta).
Coloquio entorno a las matemáticas y ciencias de la salud en el que el periodista Luis Zurano (UPV) entrevistará a...
Conference Themistoklis Mavrogordatos (ICFO – Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas). Wave-particle correlations in multiphoton light-matter resonances. Martes 11 de junio a las 15.30 en el Seminario del Iumpa
In this seminar, we will discuss the conditional measurement of field amplitudes by a nonclassical photon sequence in...
Check out our regular events
Every year, a thematic semester is held featuring various activities such as talks and workshops. We will have not only researchers from the academic world but also professionals of renowned prestige.
This is a cycle organized jointly with the Department of Applied Mathematics and the University Institute of Multidisciplinary Mathematics, featuring cross-disciplinary events in research and outreach.
Conferences organized by various research groups, typically lasting one hour each, held in the seminar room of our Institute.

We participate in the Mathematical Research Master’s program (Investmat). This is a joint Master’s program between the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Universitat de València.
It includes a series of mandatory advanced courses that cover various fundamental research techniques in mathematics (Finite Group Representations, Topological Groups, Module Theory, Differential Topology, Calculus of Variations, Bundles, Integration on Manifolds, Dynamical Systems, etc.). Additionally, there are courses that describe important methods for studying current problems in various applications of mathematics (Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Automata and Formal Languages, Cryptography, Stability, Bifurcation Theory, Techniques of Geometry in Computer Science and vice versa, Signal and Image Processing using Wavelets, etc.).
The journals of the institute

Magazine Modelling in Science Education and Learning (MSEL)
Open-access scientific journal dedicated to the use of models in educational sciences, with a special focus on mathematical models.
Applied General Topology (AGT)
It publishes only original research papers related to interactions between General Topology and other mathematical disciplines, as well as topological results with applications to other areas of science, and the development of topological theories sufficiently general to enable future applications.
Our research groups are developing projects in key mathematical fields including Algebra, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Topology and Geometry, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.