Mar 11, 2024 | Noticias, Seminario IUMPA
I will talk about the physics of effective 2-, 3-, and 4-body interactions in systems of ultracold neutral atoms where, using magnetic or optical trapping techniques, it is possible to restrict motion to two dimensions (e.g., a plane), one dimension (e.g., a tube), or...
Mar 1, 2024 | Noticias, Seminario IUMPA
The theory of causal fermion systems is an approach to fundamental physics. It gives quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory as limiting cases and is therefore a candidate for a unified physical theory. The dynamics of causal fermion systems is...
Feb 7, 2024 | Noticias, Seminario IUMPA
In this talk, we present a factorization for a class of multilinear operators defined on the topological product of Banach algebras of integrable functions and Banach left modules through convolution product. This linearization allows us to obtain domination...