IUMPA seminar
Specific seminars organized by the various research groups within our Institute and held at the institution’s seminar room.
Conferencia Mieczysław Mastyło (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan). Miércoles 5 de febrero a las 12.00 en el Seminario del IUMPA
Fredholm properties of operators on interpolation spaces We will discuss the stability of Fredholm properties for operators within interpolation scales of Banach spaces. We show that interpolated isomorphisms satisfy the property of local uniqueness of inverses. The...
Conference Themistoklis Mavrogordatos (ICFO – Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas). Wave-particle correlations in multiphoton light-matter resonances. Martes 11 de junio a las 15.30 en el Seminario del Iumpa
In this seminar, we will discuss the conditional measurement of field amplitudes by a nonclassical photon sequence in the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model under multiphoton operation. We do so by employing a correlator of immediate experimental relevance to reveal a...
Homenaje al profesor Vicente Montesinos
El pasado mes de diciembre tuvo lugar el homenaje a nuestro compañero Vicente Montesinos Santalucia. Además de ser un destacado investigador, el profesor Montesinos tuvo un importante papel en la creación de nuestro instituto, que en la actualidad goza de prestigio y...
Conference Philip Johnson (American University, USA). Effective multiparticle interactions, quantum symmetry breaking, and nontrivial topological properties of ultracold atoms. Jueves 14 de marzo a las 10.00 en el Seminario del Iumpa
I will talk about the physics of effective 2-, 3-, and 4-body interactions in systems of ultracold neutral atoms where, using magnetic or optical trapping techniques, it is possible to restrict motion to two dimensions (e.g., a plane), one dimension (e.g., a tube), or...
Conferencias Felix Finster (Universidad de Regensburg, Alemania). Causal fermion systems: Classical gravity and beyond. 5, 6 y 7 de marzo a las 12.30 en el Seminario del IUMPA.
The theory of causal fermion systems is an approach to fundamental physics. It gives quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory as limiting cases and is therefore a candidate for a unified physical theory. The dynamics of causal fermion systems is...
Conferencia Mieczyslaw Mastyło (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań). Operator ideal generated by Orlicz spaces with applications.
We will discuss properties of ideal φ-summing operators generated by Orlicz spaces. We will show asymptotic estimates of φ-summating norms of finite-dimensional operators as well as diagonal operators between certain Banach sequence spaces. The proof is based on the...
Conferencia Ezgi Erdogan (Marmara University, Turkey). Convolution Factorability of Multilinear Operators Defined on Banach Algebras of Integrable Functions.
In this talk, we present a factorization for a class of multilinear operators defined on the topological product of Banach algebras of integrable functions and Banach left modules through convolution product. This linearization allows us to obtain domination...
Conferencia Victor Manuel Castaño Meneses (UNAM, México). La física y las humanidades o cómo conectar el exilio con la ciencia
El Dr. Castaño es un investigador que dirige proyectos de investigación de frontera y con una productividad académica muy extensa y variada, que incluye la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico, la docencia y la divulgación. La obra y contribuciones del Dr. Castaño...
CONFERENCIA: TURING Y LAS MATEMÁTICAS DE ENIGMA. Paz Jiménez Seral y Manuel Vázquez Lapuente. Universidad de Zaragoza.
5 de octubre a las 17.30. Seminario del IUMPA. Edificio 8E. Cubo F. Alan Turing se incorporó relativamente tarde a Bletchley Park con el fin de ayudar al equipo de criptógrafos ingleses en el objetivo de romper Enigma. Matemáticos polacos se habían adelantado y...
Conferencia Thomas Kalmes (Chemnitz University of Technology, GERMANY): Quantitative Runge approximation and linear topological invariants for kernels of partial differential operators.
Runge's classical approximation theorem characterizes the pairs of open subsets $X_1\subseteq X_2$ of the complex plane, for which every holomorphic function on [latexpage]$X_1$ can be approximated by holomorphic functions on $X_2$ with respect to the compact-open...
Escuela de Verano del Observatorio sobre periodismo de datos 2023
30 de junio y 1 de julio. Seminario del IUMPA. Edificio 8E. Cubo F. El Observatorio Valencià de Dades Obertes i Transparència abre la inscripción para su Escuela de Verano 2023, un curso acelerado de periodismo de datos que tendrá lugar en el IUMPA UPV, el...
Meeting Project: Strategic Partnership for mathematical aspects of complex, hypercomplex and fuzzy neural networks
June 19-26. Seminario del IUMPA. Edificio 8E. Cubo F. Local Organizing Committee: Agnieszka Niemczynowicz (Poland) Lluis M. Garcia Raffi (Spain) Jose M. Calabuig (Spain) The project meeting has been supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange...
Conferencia Mieczyslaw Mastylo (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań): Isomorphisms on interpolation Banach spaces.
We will discuss the stability of isomorphisms on interpolation spaces constructed by the method of means. We focus on the methods determined by balanced sequences of quasi-concave functions and show that these methods have orbital description generated by an ideal of...
Conferencia Andreas Defant (Universität Oldenburg): Projection constants for spaces of multivariate polynomials.
We discuss recent joint work with D. Galicer, M. Mansilla, M. Mastyło, and S. Muro. The general problem we address is to develop new methods within the study of projection constants of Banach spaces of multivariate polynomials. [latexpage]The relative projection...
Conferencia Ángela Capel: When does a quantum many-body system mix rapidly?
A quantum memory can be described by the evolution of an open quantum many-body system in a thermal bath with which it weakly interacts, which can be modelled by a quantum Markov semigroup. The time that it takes for an initial state on the system to reach the...
An exploration of the size of chaotic phenomena for composition operators through lineability and spaceability. Martina Maiuriello (Università degli studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli).
Motivated by recent studies on the notions of lineability and spaceability in the context of linear dynamics, in this talk we shall investigate the ``vastness'' of chaotic phenomena in the context of linear operators, with a special focus on composition operators....
The derived categories of the LB-spaces. Sven-Ake Wegner (University of Hamburg).
Let LB be the category of LB-spaces, which has as objects precisely those Hausdorff locally convex spaces that can be written as a countable inductive limit of Banach spaces, and as morphisms the continuous linear maps between them. In the talk we will firstly review...
Isomorphic copies of l_∞ in the weighted Hardy spaces on the unit disc. Radoslaw Szwedek, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.
In this lecture, we shall discuss a question whether the density of analytic polynomials in an H-admissible space is sufficient to the minimality of the space? This question has a purely foundational background, relating fundamental concepts from the theory of Hp...
Linear dynamics of operators on non-metrizable topological vector spaces. Vinícius V. Fávaro, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brasil.
In this talk we will explore the following notions of chaos for operators on non-metrizable topological vector spaces: mixing, hypercyclicity, cyclicity, n-supercyclicity, Li-Yorke chaos and Devaney chaos. We will discuss the main differences between these...
Local Entropy and Applications. Udayan B. Darji, University of Louisville, EEUU.
In this talk, we introduce basic of local entropy theory and discuss how it can be applied in various settings in topological dynamics. We pay particular attention to Uniformly Positive Entropy and Complete Positive Entropy introduced by Blanchard in 90’s. Whereas...
The Perfekt theory of M-ideals. Dirk Werner, Freie Universität Berlin.
We revisit some ideas of K.-M. Perfekt who has provided an elegantframework to detect the biduality between function or sequence spacesdefined in terms of some o-resp.\O-condition. We present new proofsunder somewhat weaker assumptions than before and apply the result...
A Graph-Based Method for Soccer Action Spotting Using Unsupervised Player Classification. Alejandro Cartas, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
In this presentation we talk about our graph-based model for action spotting in soccer games. The goal of action spotting is to identify the specific time an action occurs. Our model represents players, referees, and goalkeepers as nodes in a graph and connects...
Conferencia Niko Spronk. A survey of amenability of operator algebras, and algebras of abstract harmonic analysis. Lunes 28 de noviembre, 12:00 horas.
In this talk we settle this question: given two metrizable spaces X and Y and a subfamily of C(X,Y), what are necessary and sufficient conditions for there to exist compatible metrics d on X and q on Y so that the family becomes Lipschitzian...
Conferencia Elies Fuster. Herramientas de IA para la caracterización de la heterogeneidad tumoral.
El glioma es uno de los tipos más comunes de tumores primarios del cerebro, y representa más del 70% de todos los tumores cerebrales malignos. Debido al perfil molecular y la biología extremadamente compleja y heterogénea del glioma, el enfoque de "el mismo...
Conferencia Gerald Beer. Transforming continuous functions into Lipschitz functions
In this talk we settle this question: given two metrizable spaces X and Y and a subfamily of C(X,Y), what are necessary and sufficient conditions for there to exist compatible metrics d on X and q on Y so that the family becomes Lipschitzian with respect to these...
Conferencia Rex Dark. Using fields to construct finite p-groups
I hope to describe how Galois fields can be used to construct: first Camina p-groups P (with [P, x] = P′ for every element x ∈ P − P′) [1]; then semidirect products of an extraspecial normal subgroup by a cyclic group [2]; and finally (in response to a question asked...
Conferencia Natalia Jonard. Curvas de Jordan en teselaciones del plano
El teorema de la curva de Jordan establece que una curva cerrada simple separa el plano en dos componentes conexas, una acotada y la otra no. En la década de los 70's, Azriel Rosenfeld publicó en una serie de artículos una versión discreta del teorema de la...
Conferencia Jari Taskinen. Bergman kernels and projections on periodic planar domains
The Bergman space Ap(Ω), 1 ≤ p < ∞, on a domain Ω ⊂ 𝐂 is by definition the closed subspace of Lp(Ω) consisting of holomorphic functions; here, the Lp-space is defined via the real area measure of Ω. The Bergman projection PΩ is the orthogonal projection from L2(Ω)...
Homenaje a Manuel López Pellicer.
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