Conferencia Ezgi Erdogan (Marmara University, Turkey). Convolution Factorability of Multilinear Operators Defined on  Banach Algebras of Integrable Functions.

7 Feb 2024 | IUMPA seminar, News

In this talk, we present a factorization for a class of multilinear operators defined on the topological product of Banach algebras of integrable functions and Banach left modules through convolution product. This linearization allows us to obtain domination inequalities and integral representations by using vector measures and lattice geometric inequalities.  We finish the work with some applications including isomorphism between orthogonally additive n-homogeneous polynomials and convolution-factorable multilinear maps, and  integral and series representations obtained by using Hilbert–Schmidt operators.
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Ezgi Erdogan
Marmara University, Turkey