Nov 24, 2022 | AI semester, IUMPA seminar, News
In this talk we settle this question: given two metrizable spaces X and Y and a subfamily of C(X,Y), what are necessary and sufficient conditions for there to exist compatible metrics d on X and q on Y so that the family becomes Lipschitzian...
Jun 29, 2022 | AI semester, IUMPA seminar, News
El glioma es uno de los tipos más comunes de tumores primarios del cerebro, y representa más del 70% de todos los tumores cerebrales malignos. Debido al perfil molecular y la biología extremadamente compleja y heterogénea del glioma, el enfoque de “el mismo...
Jun 21, 2022 | IUMPA seminar, News
In this talk we settle this question: given two metrizable spaces X and Y and a subfamily of C(X,Y), what are necessary and sufficient conditions for there to exist compatible metrics d on X and q on Y so that the family becomes Lipschitzian with respect to these...
Jun 20, 2022 | IUMPA seminar, News
I hope to describe how Galois fields can be used to construct: first Camina p-groups P (with [P, x] = P′ for every element x ∈ P − P′) [1]; then semidirect products of an extraspecial normal subgroup by a cyclic group [2]; and finally (in response to a question asked...
Jun 14, 2022 | IUMPA seminar, News
El teorema de la curva de Jordan establece que una curva cerrada simple separa el plano en dos componentes conexas, una acotada y la otra no. En la década de los 70’s, Azriel Rosenfeld publicó en una serie de artículos una versión discreta del teorema de...